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The Other Side

It is Sunday afternoon. December 19th, my dad’s birthday. It’s cold but the sun is shining which makes the day better. My sweet Halle is taking her afternoon nap and Hunter is jumping on the couch next to me. My Christmas tree is lit. I’m wrapped in a blanket, my little dog curled up next to me. And I keep thinking to myself, I made it. I’m on the other side. I’m here.

I think I have spent the past two years, underwater, drowning a bit. There were moments of reprieve, moments of respite, but mostly I was under the tide.

In the past month, I have felt the sun pour in on my life. The rays are bright, shining on my babies faces, peering in the windows of my home, touching my skin, sending the warmth I so desperately needed to feel. The brightness reflects upon my relationships, my work, and within myself.

I tend to turn inward in difficult times. I think we all do. But the answer isn’t found there. It just isn’t.

There are so many people I love from all corners of my life who are dealing with new transitions, difficult seasons of life, heartbreak, growing pains, anxiety, and fear. And at the end of the day, all that we want, all that we need, is to know that we aren’t in this hurt alone.

You’re not alone.

I spoke to a dear friend yesterday afternoon. We haven't spoken in 5 months, for no reason aside from the busyness of life. We talked, we laughed, we shared about our lives. At the end of the conversation, we both left feeling whole. It's the little things.

When the complications of our hearts are acknowledged and understood, we heal.

Call a friend today. They probably need you as bad as you need them.

With love, Jordan


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